As I sit here in the airport waiting, waiting, waiting, I am getting more and more excited about this adventure.
A lot of people have said "you're so brave" and "I could never do that", and I didn't see what the big deal was. Its just an extended vacation right? Right?!
I know that the friends I have will be friends for life, and that I can always get another job, although I will be hard pressed to find another group of men and women that were so awesome to work with, what a team we are!
My work Crew! |
I know this is going to be one of those life changing adventures and I am so excited to start it! I'm even more excited to be going to Spain, thank goodness there are some sunny spots on this planet, because I have been experiencing a lot of fall like weather and I'm ready for the heat! Bring it on I say! Even though I might regret that statement in 4 days, oh well all part of the adventure.
So off i go, leaving on a jet plane, do know when I'll be back again. (no longer than 2 years says my VISA). Not sure when I'll be able to post again, but please keep checking back!
Love you all~
Next stop, ENGLAND!