Sunday, August 21, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane...

As I sit here in the airport waiting, waiting, waiting, I am getting more and more excited about this adventure. 

A lot of people have said "you're so brave" and "I could never do that", and I didn't see what the big deal was.  Its just an extended vacation right? Right?!

I know that the friends I have will be friends for life, and that I can always get another job, although I will be hard pressed to find another group of men and women that were so awesome to work with, what a team we are!

My work Crew!
I know this is going to be one of those life changing adventures and I am so excited to start it!  I'm even more excited to be going to Spain, thank goodness there are some sunny spots on this planet, because I have been experiencing a lot of fall like weather and I'm ready for the heat! Bring it on I say! Even though I might regret that statement in 4 days, oh well all part of the adventure.

So off i go, leaving on a jet plane, do know when I'll be back again. (no longer than 2 years says my VISA).  Not sure when I'll be able to post again, but please keep checking back!

Love you all~

Next stop, ENGLAND!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Final Relaxation

The time is drawing close (eeek 3 days!!) until I'm leaving on a jet plane to the UK.  Although I am very excited to get to the UK I am also getting more nervous as Sunday approaches.  Today eased my nerves a bit when I talked to my recruiter on the phone, she helped my calm down a bit, knowing that i have someone to meet me at the airport and help me get on my way to Bournemouth!

I have been enjoying the past few days/week here, I got my last Canadian pedicure for awhile, a must before travel, and generally have just been spending time with my family and enjoying the exhibition here.

I'll leave you with some photos as per usual. Who knows where my next post will be from!! Later peeps!

Beautiful fields overlooking the Bay of Fundy

Fishing boats in Harbourville

My Uncles beautiful horses Jerry & Barney

The Halifax harbour

The moon over the field

Mom and Dad's house

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Musical Rain

Last night we went to the RCMP's Musical Ride, what a great show of beautiful horses.  They are amazingly trained. 
The Riders and Their Horses
 Even though the show was great we all got soaked!  Its raining like its Vancouver here in Nova Scotia.  Dad got the worst of it, he was soaked to the bone.  We did have a good time tho thats for sure.

 There was even a 4H preshow which was interesting as well.  I'm hoping that the weather will change soon and we will get a bit more of summer, its very fall like here and I still want it to be summer.
In Formation

Friday, August 5, 2011

Where the dirt road ends and begins...

Well, its official, I have settled into this slower pace of life, and it sure is nice!

Sunset over the Bay of Fundy

Getting away from the city rat race has been a welcome change, even though I'll soon be heading to London (re-enter city rat race), I am relishing in the fact that I have this time to slow down and enjoy life and spend time with my family.

A dirt road kinda place

Here are some pics to show you this laid back place.

An old schoolhouse
