Saturday, February 9, 2013

a long time comin'

Finally the day came where I got to meet my Cole and Reid Woods! I also got to see my best friend (and her husband too), who I haven't seen in nearly 2 years! Like I said, its been a long time coming!

I was so happy to see everyone, and we had a great afternoon playing around the apartment and then going out for dinner.  Oh yeah there was that really fun part where Cole screamed bloody murder and my heart fell to my floor as I took out some stitches from his chin. Chocolate pudding cured everything though.

Can't wait to see the brood again!

Love you bestie and your kids aren't bad either!


one of many awesome expressions

love this little man

i wonder when that day will come that i hate you?

cole and daddy (that hair!)

i love you too buddy...priceless

hey whats down there?


aunty making things better, after picking her heart up off the floor, sorry little man.

i think he's over it.

brotherly love.